Starting Line Sailing full steam ahead with the production of Hobie boats and parts.

Sls Hobie Factory2

Dear Hobie Sailors- Since you last heard from Starting Line Sailing, the new Hobie Cat sailboat manufacturer. We have made significant progress made across the entire Hobie Sailboats supply chain. A small overview of where we are heading and what we have achieved since we have become the Hobie Cat sailboat manufacturer. Last week, we […]

Charter boats for the Hobie MultiWorlds and Europeans available from Starting Line Europe

News 02 Credits Caterina Degli Uberti

Charter boats will be available thanks to Starting Sailing Europe at the following conditions: 4 x Hobie Dragoon Dragoon Xtrem charter fee + transport = 1 410 € Dragoon Xtrem charter fee (pick-up Toulon) = 1 010 € 4 x Hobie Cat 14 HC 14 charter fee + transport = 1 425 € HC 14 […]

Get ready for the British Hobie 16 Championships August 2023

Hobie16uknats2019 14 (1)

British Hobie 16 Championships 2023 will be raced at Poole Harbour from 26-28 August 2023. Poole Harbour is a large natural harbour in Dorset, southern England. It is al the venue of the 2019 British Hobie 16 National Championships. Photos from the successful 2019 British Hobie 16 Championships.

2023 Hobie Wave North American Championship with online registration open

Hobie Wace 2023 North Americans

2023 Hobie Wave North American Championship Hobie Fleet 204 & Onondaga Yacht Club Sept 12-16 2023 Hobie Fleet 204 and Onondaga Yacht Club are proud to host the 2023 Hobie Wave North American Championships. Onondaga Yacht Club is located at the end of Sycamore St. on the shore of Onondaga Lake in Liverpool NY. The […]

The Speed Stick Competition

Sailing Catamaran Speed Competition Hobiecat Hobie

Yes, that’s right, there’s a competition going on right now. It’s running throughout the year at every sailing venue on the planet. I’m talking about the Speed Stick competition from Joyrider TV. It’s just about sailing fast. Here’s how it works: When you go sailing, take a GPS device with you whether it’s a watch, […]

How to make a video to promote your Hobie event

Joe Explains Video

We all know that ran the best Hobie Cat event ever, but how do the people that didn’t attend know about the event? How do you get more people to attend next year.? Not many people wish to sit down and write a paragraph after the event so we are going to show you how […]

Wildwind Holidays and YouTube channel Joyrider TV conclude powerful sponsorship deal

Wildwind With Logo

David Brookes Executive Director of the International Hobie Class was delighted to announce the partnership between Wildwind Holidays and the YouTube channel Joyrider TV. During the discussions, David mentioned, this was more than a sponsorship arrangement but a partnership between three organisations that have the Hobie Class and Hobie sailor’s best interests at heart. Simon […]

Hobie Multi Worlds and Europeans 2023

Hobie Multi worlds and Europeans 2023

Dear Hobie sailors, We are thrilled to finally announce the final dates for the Hobie Multi-Class events that will be held in Cesenatico (Italy) from the 11th to the 21st of July 2023. The event will be organized in conjunction with IHCA, EHCA, Italian Association, and Circolo Vela Cesenatico. For the Hobie Cat 16 it […]

IHCA Presidents Blog December 2022


Winter is here in North America and the Hobie is put away. This time of year, I switch to frostbite sailing and skiing. I recently ran the races for the laser frostbite fleet, it was a cold and windy day but it’s good to take a turn running the races. It’s always humbling working as […]

Italian Hobie 16 & Dragoon Championships 27th to the 31st of December in Cagliari

Multiclasse Dic2022 Volantino V9 2

Fleet345 and the Italian Association are waiting for you in Cagliari from 27th to the 31st of December in Cagliari to close this 2022 together! It will be 5 days in the Hobie Way of Life style: 3 days of racing, but also lots of fun with the Pinna Contest, where the most original stunt will […]

Brazilian Hobie Cat Championship

Brascat 2022

The current Brazilian Hobie Cat 16 (HC16) champions, Cláudio Teixeira and Ana Paula Dias, from São Paulo, had a great performance this Thursday (11/17) and took second place overall in the Brazilian Class Championship by winning two of the three regattas, postponing to this Friday (11/18) the definition of who are the best catistas in […]

Change is sometimes a good thing.

A New Hobie Day

You have seen the announcement about Hobie Cat Company licensing out the sailboat side of the business, but many are wondering what does this really mean? Hobie Cat Company has not been sold and will continue to operate building kayaks and pedal boards. Hobie Cat Company has entered into a long-term licensing agreement with Start […]

Hobie Cat 16 Rule 7.3 – raising of the minimum youth crew weight – result of the voting/comment period

Hobie16worlds Youth Women Ggm Grand Masters Mga 1916

Dear IHCA members, Voting and commenting on the proposed change to Hobie Cat 16 Rule 7.3 raising the minimum youth crew weight to 118,2 kg was closed on 15-11-2022 as announced. Result of the voting: YES: 64,9% NO: 35,1% ABSTENTION: 0% It is well-known discussions on crew weight have always been sensitive and controversial. The […]

23rd Hobie 16 Worlds conclude

Hobie 16 Worlds 2022

Another Hobie 16 World Championships conclude and what a world championship it was. Club de Vela La Ballena Alegre was the perfect host for the Hobie sailing. Not only was everyone accommodated in the resort it gave the sailors the opportunity to meet and mingle all the time. There were some wonderful pool parties after […]

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