Hobie 17 North American Championships 2021

Hobie 17 start

The Hobie 17 North American Championships this year are being held at Washington Park Beach, Michigan City, Indiana (on Lake Michigan), Hobie Fleet 126. While most people associate Hobie sailing in the ocean Lake Michigan offers sandy beaches and surfing waves. So, this group of Hobie sailors feels right at home. Even the best plans […]

Open Danish Hobie 16 SPI National Championship 2021

Danish Hobie 16 Spi championships

Open Danish Hobie 16 SPI National Championship 2021 This year the Danish Nationals were held on the capitol side of Denmark, more specific in Skovshoved. Saturday started off a bit wet and cold, lots of rain till midday cost a small delay on the start, but at 11.30 am, the regatta officially begun. With a […]

Hobie Cat 16 Multi-National Championship for Italy, Austria, and Germany

Hobie 16 Lake Garda

Garda Trentino: the Hobie 16 showed a wave of colours during the National Championships of Italy, Austria and Germany Tri-color victory by Lorenzo Rossi and Diana Rogge; first female crew Chiara Spota and Chiara Ingrassia Clear overall victory for Stefan Griesmayer and Caterina Uberti Bright colours, which bring joy: this is the first impact of […]

British Hobie 16 Championship 2021

Day 1 of the British Hobie 16 Championship 2021 Three races were held on a well-set course by the RO in tricky conditions that saw plenty of opportunities for snakes and ladders on the racecourse where the ‘right way to go’ could quickly change.  Wind varied from big holes to flat-out speed races on the […]

IHCA Rules Committee invite you to vote on a class rule change

Dear Hobie Sailors, The IHCA Rules Committee requests that you review and vote accordingly with the changes they have recommended. To give some background into why the IHCA Rules Committee has submitted the rule change for comment and approval. The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) which govern our rules in racing has a minimum weight […]

Estimating Services Minquiers Hobie Cat Dash

Wildcats exiting St Aubin’s bay on way to Minquiers reef 10 mile

The Estimating Services Minquiers Hobie Cat Dash was held Sunday 22nd August. 10 Hobie Cats launched from the Gunsite beach in bright sunshine on Sunday morning for the distance race to the Minquiers Reef and back. The Fleet comprising of 3 Wildcats and 6 Hobie 16’s started the race in St.Aubin’s bay in a north […]

Temporary change to IHCA Class Rules

Recently the IHCA become aware that some trapeze harnesses, including the popular Zhik T3 are above the required weight in RRS 50.1(b). As the we have some major events taking place we don’t have the time to do a full sailor review to change our Class Rules. The IHCA in consultation with World Sailing have […]

Savills Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships

Hobie 16 Channel Islands start

Virtually perfect wind and sea conditions gave the record turnout of 35 teams excellent and competitive racing over the weekend in the Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships on the event’s 30th Anniversary year. The Championships were sponsored for a fourth year running by Savills Estate Agents and hosted by the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club. […]

2021 Hobie 17 North American Championships

Hobie 17

The 2021 Hobie 17 North American Championships will be at Washington Park Beach, Michigan City,Indiana (on Lake Michigan) September 8-12. September 8th will be the registration and check in. Notice of Race  Online entry 

Talking Hobies, How to enjoy your first Hobie regatta

For many it is a daunting task to enter your first Hobie Regatta. I don’t anything about racing. I don’t know any of the rules. I don’t know how to enter. In fact I don’t even know where to find my nearest Hobie Regatta. In this episode of Talking Hobie Rich, Mark and Sheila discuss, […]

Hobie Raid 2021 Pescara, Hobie Fleet 808

Hobie 16 Raid Pescara 2021

HOBIE FLEET 808 WAY OF LIFE NUMBER ONE! For the Hobie catters of the Pescara 808 fleet, it is one of the most awaited events. The raid is always perceived as a social and pleasant race. Moving on to more playful than competitive activities, everyone wants to camp on the tents mounted directly on the […]

Hobie 16 South African Championships 2021/22

2021/21 South African Hobie 16 Championships poster

The Hobie 16 South African Championships will be held 28 April to 1st May 2022 Langebaan, Western Cape. Membership Requirements In order to participate in this event, you will need to be a paid up member of your regional Hobie class association as well as South African Sailing SAS Accommodation Options Friday Island – Contact […]

Hobie Cat Raid from Hobie Fleet 808 Pescara

Hobie 16 Hobie Raid Italy

For the Hobie Catters of the Pescara 808 fleet, it is one of the most awaited events. The raid is always perceived as an aggregative, social and pleasant fact. Moving on to more playful than competitive activities, everyone wants to camp on tents mounted directly on Hobies with cats by the sea in total peace, […]

2021 Hobie 16 North America Championships

Hobie 16 North American Championships Day 5

The 2021 Hobie 16 North America Championships is being conducted by the Ocean Springs Yacht Club: June 5 to 11, 2021. Entries were down slightly due to the travel restrictions and the friends from Canada unable to attend. Though 45 Hobie 16 teams lined up to join the Hobie fun. Being a qualifier for the […]

Catamaran Spanish Cup (Hobie 16)

2021 Hobie Spanish Cup

The Catamaran Spanish Cup is the 2nd most important for catamaran sailors in Spain. The Hobie 16 has its own division in the Catamaran Spanish Cup. The team of Marc Jovani and Marta Porta (CN Cullera) won the Spanish Cup and will take the trophy back to Cullera. After six races of nine scheduled they […]

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