Hobie 17/ Hobie 18 North American Championships

Hobie 17:18

Registration and event site reservations will open on January 1st 203. More information will be posted on the Division website at hobiediv4.org with links to event documents and other accommodations in the area. Notice of Race

Italian Hobie 16 & Dragoon Championships 27th to the 31st of December in Cagliari

Multiclasse Dic2022 Volantino V9 2

Fleet345 and the Italian Association are waiting for you in Cagliari from 27th to the 31st of December in Cagliari to close this 2022 together! It will be 5 days in the Hobie Way of Life style: 3 days of racing, but also lots of fun with the Pinna Contest, where the most original stunt will […]

Brazilian Hobie Cat Championship

Brascat 2022

The current Brazilian Hobie Cat 16 (HC16) champions, Cláudio Teixeira and Ana Paula Dias, from São Paulo, had a great performance this Thursday (11/17) and took second place overall in the Brazilian Class Championship by winning two of the three regattas, postponing to this Friday (11/18) the definition of who are the best catistas in […]

Change is sometimes a good thing.

A New Hobie Day

You have seen the announcement about Hobie Cat Company licensing out the sailboat side of the business, but many are wondering what does this really mean? Hobie Cat Company has not been sold and will continue to operate building kayaks and pedal boards. Hobie Cat Company has entered into a long-term licensing agreement with Start […]

Hobie Cat 16 Rule 7.3 – raising of the minimum youth crew weight – result of the voting/comment period

Hobie16worlds Youth Women Ggm Grand Masters Mga 1916

Dear IHCA members, Voting and commenting on the proposed change to Hobie Cat 16 Rule 7.3 raising the minimum youth crew weight to 118,2 kg was closed on 15-11-2022 as announced. Result of the voting: YES: 64,9% NO: 35,1% ABSTENTION: 0% It is well-known discussions on crew weight have always been sensitive and controversial. The […]

Juan Antonio and Tono Llabrés new champions of Spain of Hobie 16

Spanish H16 2022 5

Juan Antonio Llabrés and his son Tono Llabres from Pobla Marina and Real Club Náutico Valencia respectively, have been proclaimed Spanish Hobie Cat 16 2022 Champions, at Club Náutico Les Basetes. The Hobie Cat 16 Spanish Championship was held for the first time at the Club Náutico Les Basetes, by the delegation of the Royal […]

Hobie Cat Company and Starting Line Sailing Announce Hobie Sailboats Partnership

Starting Line Sailing

The International Hobie Class Association (IHCA) is pleased to announce the following press release. This is an exciting time for the Hobie Class worldwide and we have already had initial discussions with Starting Line Sailing. Starting Line Sailing are also committed to supporting the IHCA and future world championships in its press release. We look […]

Adriatic Hobie Cat Cup 2022

Adriatic Hobie 2022 2

The 2022 championship from the Pescara 808 Fleet, the Adriatic Hobie Cat Cup (AHCC), is now in its fifteenth year. A total of 21 races were held in a total of 7 days of racing throughout the year from April to August: record participation with 22 crews in the standings out of the total of […]

Comment period on Hobie Cat 16 Rule 7.3 – raising of the minimum youth crew weight

Hobie16worlds Youth Women Ggm Grand Masters Mga 2020

On a proposal from the European Hobie Class Association (EHCA), the International Hobie Class Association (IHCA) Council was requested at the recent AGM to consider and review the minimum combined crew weight at Hobie Cat 16 youth events. With the outset in weight statistics from Youth World and European Championships with averages ranging from 124 […]

23rd Hobie 16 Worlds conclude

Hobie 16 Worlds 2022

Another Hobie 16 World Championships conclude and what a world championship it was. Club de Vela La Ballena Alegre was the perfect host for the Hobie sailing. Not only was everyone accommodated in the resort it gave the sailors the opportunity to meet and mingle all the time. There were some wonderful pool parties after […]

Hobie Le Man racing from Hobie Fleet 808

Hobie Le Mand 2022 52

THE HOBIE WAY OF LIFE OF THE 808 FLEET OF PESCARA From an entirely original idea of the commodore of the Pescara fleet, a sailing game designed to entertain all Hobie sailor enthusiasts of the Hobie Fleet 808. The second time the long-awaited event. After a September lacking in sailing events due essentially to the […]

Hobie 16 Worlds registration information

Hobie 16 Worlds 2022

For the Hobie sailors attending the Hobie 16 Worlds we have some important news and updates. The most important news is the boats are built and, on the beach, waiting for you. The following news and information will help you sail through the registration process smoothly. After you enter the Club de Vela La Ballena Alegre approximately […]

Savills Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships 2022

Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships 2022 4

Saturday 20Th & Sunday 21St August – St. Aubins Bay. Racing conditions on the first day of the Championships were almost perfect for the 30 Hobie Cats and 60 crew participating as they rigged their boats at the Gunsite beach in preparation for the 3 races scheduled for Saturday and 3 the following day. This […]

Hobie 14 Wassenaar Cup 2022 The Netherlands

Gerard Loos

On 20-21 August, 20 Hobie 14s competed for the “Hobie 14 Wassenaar Cup” at the KZVW in the Netherlands. The wind conditions were perfect and varied between 8-15 knots. The results overall: Gerard Loos (NED) Thorin Zeilmaker (NED) Onno Schuitema (NED) Women’s team: Edith Henk (GER) Anna Smit (NED) Birgit von Hauseu (GER) We hope […]

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