2022 Hobie Cat 16 Italian Championship And Coppa Italia Hobie Cat Dragoon

Hobie Italy Championships 2022 1

Hobie Way Of Life In Cesenatico Between 2 and 4 June 2022, the Congrega Velisti Cesenatico sailing club and the Hobiecat Fleet 358 Romagna are happy to be hosting the “2022 Hobie Cat 16 Italian Championship And Coppa Italia Hobie Cat Dragoon”: a very important event for all of us. The Hobie Cat fleet 358 […]

Hobie 17 & Hobie 20 sailmaker progressive report

Hobie 17

Hobie 17 & Hobie 20 sailmaker selection summary and status Hobie Cat Co. (“HCC”) has informed the International Hobie Class Association (“IHCA”) that HCC is no longer going to manufacture sails for two discontinued models the Hobie 17 (“H17”) and the Hobie 20 (“H20”). Both boats are still being actively sailed and raced in North […]

2022 British Hobie 16 Nationals

2022 Hobie 16 British Championships

HOBIE 16 UK NATIONALS Event Details We are really looking forward to this 4-day Hobie 16 Nationals at Poole Yacht club.  As usual, we have booked a live band for Friday night’s Party and this year we are happy to say that there will be a big BBQ that evening.  This year we are hoping […]

50th Australian National Hobie Championships.

Hobie 14 Aus

The Story… Who would’ve thought that after 50 years in Australia, the Hobie Cat Class would be as thrilling, influential, and undoubtedly unique as it was all those years ago? We are pleased to announce the 50th Australian National Hobie Championships. Just about everyone! The Vincentia Sailing Club, in conjunction with the NSW Hobie Cat […]

2022 South African Hobie Tiger Championships

2022 Hobie Tiger winners Shaun Ferry Murray Wilcox.

The 2022 SA Hobie Tiger Nationals took place in Langebaan 17-20 March. A strong fleet of 15 sailors arrived at the start line. It boosted former Hobie 16 World Champion Shaun Ferry, Current Hobie Tiger World Champions William/Douglas Edwards, and former Hobie 14 &16 World Champion Blaine Dodds. As you would expect with such a […]

How do I enter my Hobie Crew for the 23rd Hobie 16 Worlds?

Hobie 16 China

It is important that the crew fill out the entry form for privacy and liability. If you know your crew details please enter them as soon as possible. We need to know so we can order apparel, catering, etc. We want everyone to enjoy the full Hobie Worlds experience.  It is a condition of entry […]

March 2022 President’s Blog

Wheel Bearing

Ski season is winding down and sailing season is coming. As some of you know, my winter thing is working as a ski patroller at our local hill. I really enjoy the emergency medical component of ski patrol and helping people who are having a bad day. This past weekend, I was home and it […]


Ihca Calendar

Winter was late but it finally arrived here in the US and for me, it’s ski season. The boat is tucked away in the garage. Our friends in Florida are hosting their popular winter Hobie sailing events as sailors from the north travel in search of warmer weather. Worlds date changes Many of you watched […]

Hobie Alter Memorial plaque

Hobie Alter Plaques7

Dear Fellow HOBIE Sailors, The City of Dana Point recently authorized the HOBIE MEMORIAL COMMITTEE to add a limited number of names on the mounted plaque for the plaza’s centerpiece. For those of you unable to participate in the first round, this is a rare opportunity to be part of these historic and memorable times. […]

Hobie 16 North American Championship 2022


REGATTA SCHEDULE Saturday, September 10, 2022, 10:00 – 16:00Arrival & Boat Weigh: NW Corner of Washington Park Parking Lot near Beach Boat Ramp (weigh boat before stepping mast) Sunday, September 11, 2022 10:00 – 16:00 Arrival & Boat Weigh: NW Corner of Washington Park Parking Lot near Beach Boat Ramp (weigh boat before stepping mast) […]

Accommodation for the 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships is OPEN

Aerea Parcelas Norte 1200x520

23rd Hobie 16 World Championship accommodation booking is now open. The 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships accommodation at the host resort, Camping Bungalow Resort & Spa La Ballena Alegre Costa Brava is now available to be booked at the 23rd Hobie Worlds website. The Hobie Company and the event host have proceeded with the roll-out […]

Royal Channel Islands Hobie calendar 2022

Hobie Wild Cat

The Royal Channel Islands Hobie Fleet 2022  race program, it’s going to be another full-on exciting year for local Hobie racing and activity – Club racing, Regattas, Championships, Distance racing, it’s all there.    

IHCA Rules Committee invite you to vote on a class rule change

Trapeze Hook

Rule 50.1 (c) of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), which govern our rules in racing, are as of 1 January 2023 requiring all trapeze harnesses to be of the quick release (QR) variety complying with ISO 10862. This is unless the class rules permit a trapeze harness that is not QR trapeze harnesses variety.It […]

Adriatic Hobie Cat Cup

Adriatic Hobie Cat Cup 6

Twenty Hobie 16 crews for the 14th Adriatic Hobie Cat Cup, organized by Svagamente and Flotta 808 of Pescara. After 13 races there was a tie in the first two teams with the same number of first, second and third places: Cozzolino M. wins, for the best result in the last race (with Ciattoni M., […]

Hobie 16 Luoyang Sailing Regatta 2021

Hobie 16 2021 Luoyang Sailing Regatta 12

Luoyang, known as “Peony City”, has a history of more than 5000 years. She was one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization and the oriental starting point of the Silk Road. In the long history of China, thirteen dynasties have established their capitals here. October 22-24, 16 Hobie 16 boats raced in Luo River in […]

The 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships announced, and who isn’t excited?

210621 Logo Per A Ampolles Sant Aniol 01

After some delays, we are all very pleased to announce the dates for the 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships. The location has not been a secret and I know we are all excited to go to Camping, Bungalow Resort & Spa La Ballena Alegre, Spain. The last time we held a Hobie 16 World Championships […]

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