Eight Bells for a Hobie Legend

John Dinsdale

With great sorrow, we bid farewell to John Stokely Dinsdale, who passed away on February 4, 2025, at the age of 77, surrounded by his family at home. John leaves an immeasurable void in the world of catamaran sailing and in the Hobie community, which owes so much to him. John Dinsdale was a pioneer […]

IHCA Class Rules Q&A

Dear members, The IHCA Rules Committee has, in response to received questions, worked on a IHCA Class Rules Q&A. We recently released a dedicated version in support of the “2024 Hobie 16 North American Championships”. Here is the latest version, which we would like to share with the entire Hobie world: Q: HC16 jib batten […]

Twist Toggle REMINDER – update

Hobiecat Twist Toggle 20210000

Responses and questions to our original post published March 23, 2024, revealed some uncertainty on which boats are required to sail with twist toggles. Mainly because General Hobie Class Rule 15.2 is not very specific, and we should have been clearer in our communication. In addition, we also said, “The rule applies to all Hobie […]

Hobie 18 class rule changes have been accepted.

Hobie 18

Dear class members, The process started last year and is related to the six proposed changes to the Hobie 18 Class Rules, which have now ended. This was achieved via two rounds of online questionnaires and subsequent review by the Rules Committee, resulting in recommendations being prepared and submitted to the Council. We are pleased […]

Membership matters


The class reviews our finances and membership at the end of each year. Membership is our primary source of income, and it’s only through your support that the class can function at all. It’s interesting to understand where our members are located worldwide, and below is a breakdown of our 2023 membership by region and […]

Hobie 18 Proposed Rules updated

Hobie 18 & 17 Na 2022 7

Date:             Middelfart, DENMARK, January 29, 2024 To:                 Hobie Class Members From:             IHCA Rules Committee Subject:         Hobie 18 class rule 3.2 and 5.7 revised change proposals Dear members, As announced on January 26, 2024, along with the result of the Hobie 18 Rule Change questionnaire, two of the six change proposals were deferred for further […]

Result of the Hobie 18 Rule Change questionnaire

Hobie 18 & 17 Na 2022 6

Result of the Hobie 18 Rule Change Questionnaire Dear class members, The Hobie 18 Rule Change questionnaire posted on December 9th, 2023, came to an end on January 16th, 2024. The Rules Committee has now analyzed the 109 received responses and we are pleased to announce the results on each of the six proposals: Q1. […]

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