Italian Hobie 16 Spi and Dragoon in Pescara

The Hobie Cat 16 Spi and Hobie Dragoon Class Double National Championships concluded in Pescara.

In the beautiful scenery of the Coast of Pescara at the Sailing Circle, the 2020 Italian Hobie Cat Championships was held, which saw on the same body of water regatta 55 boats in the two youth categories, Hobie Dragoon and Hobie Cat 16 Spi, and also in the classic and timeless Hobie Cat 16.

The Italian Double Youth Championships were held over four days, during which 11 of the 12 scheduled tests were completed, however, to bring in the second series and deservedly award the two youth titles. The Italian Hobie Cat 16 championships, with no age limits, were held over three days during which all nine tests were held and always with two divisons. In all, 55 crews competed.

The competition to win the best places in the standings has always been very tight in all three classes. The sea weather conditions, very different in the different days of racing, have highlighted the most experienced and most prepared crews. Particularly appreciated the work of the entire Regatta Committee chaired by the President of the 9th zone Domenico Guidotti and assisted by the excellent assistance in the water of the Host Circle Svagaly excellently coordinated by Mauro Di Feliciantonio.

In the Hobie Dragoon, the fight for first was immediately restricted to two crews: Enrica Morelli and Maria Sofia Rubino (CV Svagamente) and Leone Di Muro and Edoardo Triglia (Company of the Sailing of Rome). They finished first and second, respectively, only 4 points away. Leone and Edward also won the award as the first crew in the rookie category. After a good comeback, Alessandro Vargiu and Leonardo Pernice (Windsurf Club Cagliari) completed the podium.

In the Hobie Cat 16 spi class, the competition for the title remained more open until the end and the top 4 crews in the standings finished 3 points apart. The Italian Hobie Cat 16 spi wins the title of Italian Champion, the crew Filippo Palumbo and Nicolas Lo Savio (CV3V), followed by Carlo Mustacchi and Aliseo Marmigi (CV3V) and in third place by Andrea Brociner and Festino (Tognazzi Marine Village).

In the Hobie Cat 16 Class, which was also attended by a German crew and two Austrian crews, all leading European level, the fight, although very tight saw from day one a slight but decisive supremacy of the crew Pierandrea Gessa and Roberto Dessy (Windsurf Club Cagliari) who until the end was able to carefully manage the advantage he had on the direct pursuers bringing home a well-deserved title of Italian Champion. A few points follow the crew of the Aniene Alessandro Cesarini and Leonardo Ricci and in third place by Lorenzo Rossi and Diana Rogge (Tognazzi MV). Sixth overall crew Caterina Degli Uberti and Chiara Spota (Tognazzi MV) wins the award for the first female crew.

Also present at the award ceremony were the President of the Italian Sailing Federation Francesco Ettorre and the mayor of the municipality of Pescara Carlo Masci with the Councilor of Sport Patrizia Martelli, who has much believed in this event that has greatly valued the beautiful coast of Pescara. Overall the event managed very well, and despite the many difficulties and restrictions, in the end, they won the passion of the regattas of all ages, the healthy competition, the wind, the sun, and the sail what we like inclusive and fun and of high sporting value.

Even on the ground, the situation was perfect, and despite the many limitations, there were opportunities to discuss the progress of the regattas and the future programs of the class. Once again, the “Hobie way of life” philosophy of this famous catamaran has prevailed, leaving everyone, regattas, family members, and organizers to see each other soon.


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Kinder and the joy of moving – This is why Kinder Joy of moving was born: an international project of Social Responsibility of the Ferrero Group. The project now involves more than 4 million children, in more than 30 countries around the world, and can bring children and families closer to motor activity engagingly and joyfully, believing that a positive attitude towards movement and sport can make today’s children better tomorrow.

Hobie Dragoon Results
Hobie 16 Results
Hobie 16 Spi Results 

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