Hobie General Rule 10, Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c) and Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c) change proposals


Date: Middelfart, DENMARK, December 9th, 2024
To: Hobie Class Members
From: IHCA Rules Committee
Subject: Hobie General Rule 10, Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c) and Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c) change proposals.

Dear members,

Following received questions on the supply of replacement rudder cams, the IHCA Rules Committee has following discussions and considerations with the current ruling in mind found it necessary to have the matter clarified.

This is proposed to happen with an insertion of a new Hobie General Rule 10.2.

And as announced after the recent comment period the proposed new Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 d) and Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 d) were deferred for further consideration.
The Rules Committee has now decided to abandon the two proposals and instead embed the clarification aimed at into the existing Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c) and Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c) along with a couple of other clarifications.

The proposed changes are in red italic.


Insert new Hobie General Rule 10.2
Only genuine HOBIE CAT CO. supplied rudder assembly parts shall be used.

The subsequent rules are to be renumbered accordingly.


Clarification as with 3D printers becoming more available, some people have tried to copy the Hobie Cat Company proprietary designed rudder cams.


Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c)

Swivel cam cleats are not allowed. The upgraded downhaul design has some limited movement from side to side. Any replacement cams may not exceed the side to side movement of the HOBIE CAT CO supplied system.

Swivel cam cleats are not allowed. The upgraded HOBIE CAT CO downhaul system design has some limited sideways movement from side to side. Any replacement cams may shall not exceed the sideways side-to-side movement of the HOBIE CAT CO supplied system to operate the downhaul from hiking or the trapeze position.



Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c)

Swivel cam cleats are not allowed. The upgraded downhaul design has some limited movement from side to side. Any replacement cams may not exceed the side to side movement of the HOBIE CAT CO supplied system.

Swivel cam cleats are not allowed. The upgraded HOBIE CAT CO downhaul system design has some limited sideways movement from side to side. Any replacement cams may shall not exceed the sideways side-to-side movement of the HOBIE CAT CO supplied system to operate the downhaul from hiking or the trapeze position.


This is your class and your opportunity to express your opinion by voting below.

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    Deadline:  23:59 UTC January 13th, 2025.

    The intention is to publish the results including comments. Anonymized of course. Nevertheless, please keep a sober tone.

    IHCA reserves the right to delete any posts containing abusive and offensive language.

    We have been asked if the system allows you to vote more than once. Yes, it does. Nevertheless, a member is only supposed to comment and vote once. Should someone try to vote more than once, it is easily spotted in the output data we get from the database. Only one vote per member will be accepted and counted for the result.

    We don’t expect to see it, but we reserve the right to exclude all data from a responder who votes more than once if a pattern shows a deliberate attempt to manipulate the survey’s outcome.

    The proposed changes are supposed to go into effect under provision of approval from the IHCA Council followed by review and approval of the World Sailing Equipment Rules Sub-committee. It is at this time unknown when that may happen.

    Finally, the Rules Committee intends to implement the proposed changes as interim rulings under the provisions of General Class Rule 23 as soon as possible following IHCA Council approval, which is foreseen to happen during February 2025.

    Erik Olsen
    IHCA Rules Committee Chair

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