Hobie 14 rule 3.4, 3.5, new 5.1 d) and Hobie 16 new rule 6.1 d) change proposals


Date: Middelfart, DENMARK, October 10, 2024
To: Hobie Class Members
From: IHCA Rules Committee
Subject: Hobie 14 rule 3.4, 3.5, new 5.1 d) and Hobie 16 new rule 6.1 d) change proposals

Dear members,

The IHCA Rules Committee has prepared a rule change package of four proposals. One for the Hobie 16 and three for the Hobie 14.

The proposed new Hobie 14 rule 5.1 d) and Hobie 16 rule 6.1 d) are simple clarifications.

As to the proposed changes to Hobie 14 rule 3.4 and 3.5 then it is a bit more complicated. These two proposals have been through a long and complicated process. We are convinced the result is the best that can be achieved within the given laws, rules, regulations and intent of our class rules.

These changes aim to preserve the strict one-design principles that have made the Hobie 14 a competitive sailing class for over five decades.
Reviews by the IHCA Rules Committee revealed that a small number of Hobie 14 boats had been modified outside the class rules, prompting action. After consultation with Hobie 14 sailors worldwide, the IHCA Rules Committee has recommended the following rule changes to ensure the class maintains its fairness and consistency.

These updates will allow sailors to make the desired changes while still adhering to the strict one-design philosophy that has kept the class strong for over 50 years.

The new rule changes will allow Hobie 14 sailors to modify their boats with flexibility but within clear parameters that ensure competitive balance. These updates reflect the IHCA’s commitment to safeguarding the spirit of the one-design class while adapting to sailors’ evolving needs.

The IHCA Rules Committee is aware that the proposed changes to Hobie Cat 14 Class Rule 3.4 may not satisfy all of them as it does not allow the full removal of the mast base hook.

The mast base hook has been designed as a feature to secure the safe raising and lowering of the mast.

In this context, it has been made clear that the IHCA may risk liability claims in some countries if the class rules allow the removal of a safety feature as provided by Hobie Cat Company—a risk IHCA in no way can take.

With these rule changes, the IHCA reinforces its role in ensuring that all Hobie 14 boats remain equal in design, fostering a spirit of competition based on skill and sailing ability.

Hobie Cat 14 boat owners who are unhappy with the original mast base and mast step castings are recommended to consider retrofitting their boats with the ball-type system supplied by HOBIE CAT CO., as provided for in Hobie Cat 14 General Rule 3.6, or updating the mast base and mast step casting from their nearest Hobie Cat Dealer.

Clarification of the proposed rules.

HC14 Rule 3.4:

“Please note that filling the mast bast casting hook filling is NOT allowed under the current rule. The proposal now allows minimum filing and explains how much of the mast bast casting hook may be filed. Current and unchanged HC Rule 3.6 allows the mast base and mast step to be replaced with the ball-type system supplied by HOBIE CAT CO if sailors prefer another class legal option.

HC14 Rule 3.5:

“Please note the current ruling refers to the Hobie Cat Company installation manual, which specifies the height of the rotator arm as 400 mm +/- 0 mm. The proposed change allows a larger tolerance for installing the HOBIE CAT CO mast rotation control kit.


HC14 Rule 5.1 d) and HC16 6.1 d):

“Please note that the provision of the existing ruling has not been changed. The additional rule has a bearing on clarifying situations where a boatowner decides to replace the supplied cams with another brand or type.”


The IHCA Rules Committee understands that some sailors may not understand the effect the proposed rules changes have on the current rules. The proposed changes either clarify the current rules or allow more flexibility to the sailors within the class rules. Therefore, they will enable sailors who have voted to change their vote and have their initial vote removed.


To give guidance on Hobie Cat 14 Class Rule 3.4, the IHCA Rules Committee will interpret the mast base casting hook filing as follows.

This would be class legal if filed with the hole remaining in the mast base casting hook.
Hole Removed
The filing has removed the hole in the mast base casting hook and would not be considered class legal.
Old Mast Base
One of the original mast base castings was manufactured without the hole in the mast base casting hook and must not be modified.

The proposed changes are in red italics.

We have been asked if the system allows you to vote more than once. Yes, it does. Nevertheless, a member is only supposed to comment and vote once. Should someone try to vote more than once, it is easily spotted in the output data we get from the database. Only one vote per member will be accepted and counted for the result.

We don’t expect to see it, but we reserve the right to exclude all data from a responder who votes more than once if a pattern deliberately attempts to manipulate the survey’s outcome.

The intention is to publish the results, including comments. Anonymized, of course. Nevertheless, please keep a sober tone.
IHCA reserves the right to delete any posts containing abusive and offensive language

Voting will close on the 7th of November 2024 at 23:59 Australian Eastern Standard Time ( UTC +10).

Erik Olsen
IHCA Rules Committee Chair

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