Change to Hobie Cat 20 mainsheet ruling has been accepted.

Dear class members,

We have received a proposal from Hobie Class Association North America (HCANA) suggesting changing the maximum mainsheet purchase advantage in HC 20 rule 7.4. The proposal aims to increase the advantage from 7:1 to 10:1.

The proposal has been reviewed and considered by the Rules Committee. It is a simple, non-controversial change.
At the outset of the information received from HCANA, the idea came up for a “fast track” process of the proposal without the normal comment period as required by Gen. Class Rule 24.1, as the HC20 sailors had already been polled by HCANA.

Hence, the Rules Committee asked the IHCA Council to exceptionally allow a “fast track” process with this proposal for the following reasons:
– The HC20 is exclusively raced in the HCANA area.
– HCANA has polled their HC20 fleet, showing all in favour.
– The proposed change is optional and not mandatory.
– The HC20 is not an international World Sailing class.
– HCANA has endorsed the “fast track” approach.

We are pleased to announce that the IHCA Council has unanimously accepted both the “fast track” process and the proposed change to HC 20 rule 7.4. This means that a maximum mainsheet purchase advantage of 10:1 is now allowed.

The updated rule will go into effect as of June 1st, 2024.

Click here for the updated class rule document.

/IHCA Rules Committee

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