Back to Sailing, April 2021 from the IHCA President

Hobie 16

It’s finally spring and Hobie sailing season is here. After having nearly every regatta cancelled last year it was a pleasure to finally go to a Hobie regatta. COVID19 restrictions are still in place but we have learned how to go Hobie sailing safely. This first regatta was a long trip for us, and our biggest challenge is managing the food for longer trips. Being gluten-free, trying to eat healthy and avoid COVID19 is quite the food challenge on a longer trip. I ate a lot of salad and generally I am a carnivore.

Locally our sailing season starts in couple weeks. Most regatta hosts are planning to hold their events this year, although all will do so with COVID19 safety in mind. At our sailing club, most of the indoor spaces are still closed but we are sailing, and people are happy to be back enjoying sailing. Looking forward at our season, this year the Hobie 16 North American championships are in June front loading the calendar a bit. Things spread out a bit more after June.

As IHCA president I follow a number of one-design classes. I read their newsletters, follow their sites, I even communicate with the leadership of the other classes. We sail different boats but otherwise, we all face the same challenges and I find it useful to share ideas. Today I came across a really nice article on fleet building from the ILCA class, I thought it would be relevant to share. Thoughts on fleet building from Bill Symes published on the International Sailing Academy site.

How to build a fleet from the International Sailing Academy

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