35 Hobie Dragoons attend the 6th Dutch Dragoon Cup on Lake Veere

Most of the cat sailing in Holland takes place on the North Sea coast; the Dutch Dragoon Cup is hosted by the Cat Club Zeeland (CCZ) on Veerse Meer (Lake Veere). The water is shallow and relatively protected which is perfect to train the young Hobie sailors. The Hobie Dragoon Cup also has Hobie 16 Youth and the Hobie Max racing brining more Hobie youth together.

The Dutch Dragoon Cup is suited for less experienced youth as well the Cat Club Zeeland arranges a certified trainer to coordinate the program of races and practices. Coaches are allowed to give feedback during racing as well. Weather was very good again this year, though a little bit cold. Saturday 2 races windward leeward were sailed and after lunch a long distance race around the island in front of the club. The youth stayed at a camping farm close to the club where the volunteers of Cat Club Zeeland arranged a meal and at night a fun program lead to very enthusiastic cross-club teams competing in a quiz.

Sunday brought wind and sunshine again and 2 races windward-leeward before lunch and 2 races windward-leeward again after lunch. This again it showed the Dutch Dragoon teams have to train a lot more to become a threat for the Belgian teams of RBSC. As was the case during the Open Dutch Championships, the stage was for 3 RBSC teams with Lucas Claeyssens & Cyriak Brems well on top of the fleet.


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