Valle de Bravo is an artificial dam created in 1947, located 156 km, southeast of the City of Mexico. It has a surface of 2,900 hectares, making it the ideal location in Mexico, for the practice of water sports, specially sailing.
Friday May 26th – 1st day of the regatta:
At approximately 10 am, at the location Club Náutico Avándaro, athletes from all over México, and from other Countries, were invited to meet for inscriptions. Right after, the Captain meeting, was held, were rules were reviewed, and basic information about the regatta was provided, all 27 catamarans were ready to start this incredible event. All that was missing for the start of the regatta, was the arrival of the most important guest of all “the wind”.
At around 1:30 pm, the sound that everyone was waiting sounded, marking the start of the first day of the championship. The wind had finally made its appearance, with a speed of 8 knots, and gusts of around 10 knots. However, the wind only lasted enough to start two regattas.
Once the wind had died, all athletes were invited to Club Náutico San Gaspar del Lago, were the social activities of the event were held. Thanks to Porsche, the event’s official sponsor, the first day was a success. After the athletes enjoyed their food, drinks and Company, the class celebrated their Annual Asembley of 2017. Right after, the President of the class, Mario R. Escobosa, gave a short speech to give introduction to a very emotional and special tribute the class had prepared for Don Armando Noriega Consesa, as a surprise, to thank him for his 20 years of presidency and dedication to the Hobie Cat 16 class.
Saturday May 27th – 2nd day of the regatta:
The morning of the second day, the wind was once again a crucial factor, for just as the first day, it made its appearance later in the day, making it only possible to compete 2 out of 5 regattas planned for that day.
At the end of the day, after enjoying a Hog grilled to perfection, accompanied with a typical Hot sauce made with green or red tomatoes, onion, garlic, salt and some green hot peppers toasted and crushed in a kind of ancient mortar made of volcanic rock called “molcajete”, and accompanied by delicious artisan beers, Tempus; the event sponsors, had a ruffle, with great gifts. The evening was followed with music, beer and drinks until midnight.
Sunday May 28th – 3rd and last day of the championship:
Having only competed four out of the nine regattas that were planned for day one and day two, the third day and last of the completion was upon us, and considering the past few days, they were very little expectations regarding the wind. However, the athletes waited anxiously that last day, for it would define who the winner of the Second National Championship for the Hobie Cat 16 Class would be.
Unexpectantly, and quite suddenly the wind started at a constant 14 knots, with gusts of up to 18 knots. The committee was fast in signalling the beginning of the regatta, thus commencing the 3rd day racing. It was after 6 pm that the 6 and last regatta finished, and the fleet returned to shore.
All athletes met once agin at the Club Nautico San Gaspar del Lago, to enjoy a delicious paella, and each other’s company. In the meantime, the committee got together to review and analysed the results to come up with the winners in each class, and the overall champion of the event:
Mario R. Escobosa, President of the class, and Treasurer of the Mexican Sailing Federation (FMV), highlighted that aside from the high level of performance and competition during the event, there is a sense of friendship and fraternity among the fleet that make this class a very special and united one, a class that is currently growing in size, with new and innovative projects, such as the implementation of the spinnaker, planning to be used starting on the second half of 2017. All of this, will allow the class to continue its growth, and to continue to increase the level of competition.
In 2018, the National Championship will be the regatta that will define the tema that will represent México in the upcoming XXIII Centro-Americana and Caribbean Games, that will tape place in Barranquilla, Colombia 2018
Hobie Mexico web site
Hobie Mexico Facebook
Hobie Mexico Instagram
Hobie Mexican Championships on Mexican National TV
Video tribute to Don Armando Noriega Consesa