26 boats, 8 countries compete for the 2015 Vistra Hobie 16 Asian Champs

Damrongsak and Kitsada Vongtim from Thailand won the Vistra Hobie Asian Championship 2015 in a convincing fashion. In some excellent sailing they managed to win all but 1 of their races. The Vongtim brothers have won the Hobie Asian Championships many times over the years.

The Vistra Hobie Asian Championships attracted Asian international sailors from Japan, Thailand and the Philippines. As well as international sailors from Australia, United Kingdom, France and Netherlands.

Saturday there were 5 races in light-moderate conditions. Saturday evening the Northeast Monsoon arrived bringing perfect Hobie conditions for the Sunday racing. With the winds averaging 15 knots it was perfect Hobie sailing.

The sponsors include:
HKG Sailing Federation, VISTRA, IAE for their financial contribution
Fragrant Harbour, Blood Red, Energy Watts Drink, IBS for their in kind contribution


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