2019 Hobie® MultiWorlds Hobie 14 and Dragoon, Hobie 16 Europeans Wild Cat Championship and Tiger International Cup in La Rochelle (France): REGISTRATIONS ARE OPENED

Don’t wait more…. Visit the website hobie2019larochelle.com, and register for the MultiWorlds Hobie and Dragoon,Europeans Hobie 16, the Wild Cat Championship and the Tiger International Cup! The Société des Régates Rochelaises (SRR) (srr-sailing.com) is working hard to offer you a great event in one of the most authentic and beautiful place in the southwest of […]

Class rules interpretation to Hobie Cat 18: Q & A

28 NOV 2018 Class rules interpretation to Hobie Cat 18: Q & A 2017-2020 IHCA Class Rules Q: Is it allowed to glue the beams? A: YES. Under the provisions of Gen. Class Rule 16.7 and provided it is not used to canter the hulls beyond the original angle, gluing of the beams to the […]

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