2019 Hobie® MultiWorlds and Europeans

The International Hobie Class Association (IHCA) and the European Hobie Class Association (EHCA) have signed and agreed with the Société des Régates Rochelaises in La Rochelle France to host the 2019 Hobie Mulitworlds and Europeans. Hobie14 and Dragoon World Championship with the Wild Cat and Tiger World Championships after meeting World Sailing Regulation 10.4 (b) […]

IHCA Rules Committee update the Finline Rudder case

The Rules Committee has recently received a copy of a Hobie Cat Australia letter dated in 1993 indicating the Finline rudders were inspected and approved by Hobie Cat Company. A letter, which was not available to the Rules Committee, when the Finline case was discussed in 2016-2017 leading up to the amendment made to Hobie […]

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