The French “Challenge Hobie Cat 2018”…. Get on board!

In 2018, the French Hobie Class Association (AFHC) puts in place a National Challenge dedicated to Hobie Cat 14, Hobie Cat 16 and Wild Cat. 11 host clubs get involved in the Challenge, both on the Atlantic and Mediterranean seafronts. 12 competitions are proposed to teams. Among these championships, the Hobie Cat National Cup (organized […]

President’s Report August 2017

I hope you were following the recent Multiworld’s/European Championships in The Netherlands. It turned out to be a really nice and extremely well attended event, 287 boats from 24 countries. This event was the world championships for the Hobie 14, Wild Cat and Dragoon, combined with the European championships for the Hobie 16 open, H16 […]

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