Changes to the IHCA Rules Committee

2017, a new year and changes within the IHCA Rules Committee. The IHCA long standing Rules Committee Chairman for over 15 years, Erik Olsen (Denmark) has decided it was time to retire. Erik has spent over 15 years as the chairman of the IHCA Rules Committee. Erik has been a tireless worker to ensure the […]

IHCA Rules Committee publishes a Hobie® Dragoon for comment

The IHCA Rules Committee would like to ask for comments on a proposed rules change. An issue about the length of the Hobie Cat Dragoon spinnaker pole bridle wires has been raised with Rules Committee for clarification. Addressing this matter, we have prepared below proposal. It has been endorsed by World Sailing and is hereby […]

IHCA Rules Committee publishes a Hobie 18 Rule change for comment

The IHCA Rules Committee has published a comment period to change the Hobie 18 rudder rule. An issue with the Hobie Cat 18 rudders has been raised with Rules Committee for clarification. Addressing this, we hereby distribute our proposal for comments according to the provisions of General Class Rule 24 and the policy of IHCA. […]

Australian Hobie® Championships Series 2 Hobie 16 Open

The 2nd series of the Hobie Australian Championships at Hervey Bay started today. After the final registration and weigh in the call from the race committee ‘off the beach’. The race started in 8-10 knots and built steadily throughout the day. By the time the 4th race was started the breeze was 13-15 knots. Rob Branch […]

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