President’s Report Building attendance at Hobie regattas isn’t rocket science

Building attendance at Hobie regattas isn’t rocket science Building attendance at our regattas is something everyone is interested in and it’s something we all need to support. Good attendance doesn’t happen on it’s own, it takes effort and we all need to do our part. Frankly we have gotten a little lazy and it’s showing. […]

Women and Youth World Championships, Grand Masters and Great Grand Masters International Cup

Series 2 The Women and Youth are each competing for World Championship titles while the Great Grand Masters, and the Grand Masters are competing to take home the Hobie International Cup in each division.

Hobie® 16 Masters International Cup

Day 1 The weather was hot, the water clear and warm and for a short time a light drizzle cooled everyone down just before racing began. A light breeze of 8kts meant race one, on day one of the regatta went ahead on schedule and it turned out that there were four races held during […]

What Hobie® action happens next in France?

Among numerous Hobie Cat® challenges organized in France in 2016 (visit our website: don’t miss the French Hobie Cat 16 Classic championships, from the 11th to the 13th of November 2016 at the lake of Carcans-Maubuisson (Gironde). During 3 days, you will battle with the best French champion….and take the time to discover one […]

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